Learn How to Brush Your Dog’s Teeth at Home

Good oral health is a critical piece of the overall health of your dog. Bad oral hygiene leads to the build up of plaque and tartar on the gums and teeth causing periodontal disease. While periodontal disease can cause tooth decay and gum disease, it can also lead to heart, kidney, or liver disease and have a fatal effect on your dog. The best way to combat periodontal disease is by regularly brushing your dog’s teeth. Statistics show that by the age of three, 80% of dogs will have some kind of oral disease. That means that out of the
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The Truth About Tartar on Your Dog’s Teeth

You are likely familiar with tartar, the dark buildup on dog’s teeth that discolors and damages them. It is what onsets many oral health issues for your pup and causes that atrocious dog breath that no one likes. Starting off as plaque, the gummy substance that forms on your canine’s teeth after a meal, tartar progresses to cause periodontal disease, which—in addition to causing pain and severe dental issues in its advanced stages—may also induce kidney and liver problems and changes in the heart muscle.   Plaque and Tartar in Dogs Periodontal disease is already in its early stages by
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7 Hacks to Help with Brushing

1. Take it slow Cats and dogs can be anxious and fearful of new things, especially when it involves you handling an area of their body they are not used to you handling. More notably they may be more uncertain because you are going in their mouth as opposed to just handling the outsides, which they are likely very used to.   2. Get them used to the brush near their face  Sometimes it’s just the fact that there is something weird near their face that they are objecting to. (Help Fig 1) Touch the brush to their body and
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