Is Dog Tooth Loss Normal in Boxborough, MA?

Has your dog been losing her teeth lately? If so, you might find yourself wondering just how normal this problem is. After all, aren’t the teeth an important part of any dog’s life?

While teeth are certainly important to dogs, there are many reasons why they might fall out. Some of these reasons are more serious than others, but most of them will require you to take your dog to the veterinarian for further checking and information. Read on to find out more and uncover the cause of your dog’s tooth loss.

When Dog Tooth Loss is Normal

There is only one instance where dog tooth loss is normal.

When Your Dog is a Puppy

Puppies begin growing in their baby teeth around one month of age. By six months of age, these teeth will fall out and the adult teeth will come in. The teething process is long for puppies and will lead to plenty of naturally loose teeth over the months.

When to Worry About Your Dog Losing Teeth

If your dog is losing teeth because of any of the situations below it is important to talk with your veterinarian.

When Your Dog Has Gum Disease

Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in dogs, other than normal puppy tooth loss. It is estimated that over 80% of adult dogs have some level of gum disease, and many of them are in the severe stage. The longer a dog goes without receiving treatment for mild gum disease, the more serious the problem will eventually become.

If your dog’s gum disease has reached the point of tooth loss, she will probably need an intense vet care regimen to get her mouth back to good health once again.

When Your Dog Has an Oral Abscess

An oral abscess can occur as part of dental disease or may occur if your dog is injured on the gums, teeth or roof of the mouth in some way. Abscesses are pockets of infection that may be difficult to clear up and will require vet care to help with.

When Your Dog Has Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is much like oral abscesses in that it causes sores or tumors in your dog’s mouth. These problem areas can cause your dog’s teeth to fall out, especially if left untreated. Some types of oral cancer may affect your dog’s jawbone instead.

When Your Dog’s Teeth are Rotting

Rotting teeth are never normal, and they’re usually a sign that your dog has had severe dental disease that has been left untreated for years. In this situation, there may be nothing that can be done to help your dog’s teeth other than to have them pulled by a vet.

When Your Dog’s Teeth Break but Don’t Fall Out Entirely

Although this situation may not always be a dangerous one, it can cause a lot of pain and may eventually lead to jaw issues for your dog. If your dog breaks a tooth but it doesn’t fall out, she will need a vet to remove the rest of the tooth.

Veterinary Dental Services Can Help

With so many different potential causes of tooth loss in dogs, it’s easy to see why this problem occurs as often as it does. However, just because it’s a common issue for many dogs, that doesn’t necessarily mean you should just shrug it off. In some circumstances, tooth loss may be a sign of something more serious.

Take your dog to the vet if she is losing her teeth with no notable cause. The vet can do bloodwork and other tests to determine your dog’s health and wellness overall, then narrow down the potential problem from there to uncover the source of the tooth loss. To book an appointment at Veterinary Dental Services call (978) 929-9200!